domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2007

Some pictures of Y6, 2007

And we have come to the end of 2007, and we are all happy to have been promoted to Year 7!
Here are some pictures of us, with our Class Teacher Ms Patty Bryant, in the playground and in our classroom.

domingo, 24 de junio de 2007


This is Guadalupe Santos Ortega summary of Chapter 6.

She got the "Star of the Week" for her splendid work!

domingo, 3 de junio de 2007


Gregorio French and Belén Zerboni made these beautiful drawings about Kensuke fishing. As part of a reading comprehension activity, Year 6 had to draw the last paragraph of Chapter 5. Well done children!


Learning Objective:

  • Write a paragraph

  • answer the questions sensibly
  1. Kensuke provided Michael and Stella with food. Why?

  2. Why didn´t Michael confront Kensuke?

Success Criteria:

  • use paragraph successfully to structure a story.

  • accurate use of punctuation

  • use a variety of sentence structure

  • good choice of words

  • quality of verbs

  • accurate spelling

Here is Victoria Rossiter´s assingment. She deserved the "Star of the week" for it.

Enjoy it!

lunes, 30 de abril de 2007

YEAR 6 CSA (Colegio San Antonio)

Hello everyone!
We are Year 6, Colegio San Antonio, CSA, in San Antonio de Areco, Argentina.
We are reading KENSUKE´S KINGDOM with our teacher.
Some of our work is going to be shown here in our Blog, so wait and see.
See you soon
Year 6


Year 6 class wrote SHIP´S LOGS part of its school curriculum.
The class is reading KENSUKE´S KINGDOM, which tells the story of a 12 year old boy who gets stranded on an island in the Pacific Ocean during "Blue Water sailing" with his parents.

All the pupils wrote diary entries for their Ship´s Log as a follow up writing activity after reading Chapter 3 which shows the character´s ship´s log.

This is Juan Manuel Abé´s diary entry:

Some more writing coming soon!!!